
DZA’s not-for-profit specialists will focus on understanding your specific challenges and finding strategies to help you fulfill your mission. This could include ensuring timely reporting or tracking relevant financial data to telling your organization’s story in a persuasive way.

DZA’s not-for-profit clients include:
- Associations
- Foundations
- Hospitals
- Social Service Agencies
- Community Health Centers
- Other not-for-profit and healthcare organizations
Services for Not-for-Profits
- Audits in Accordance with AICPA and/or Yellow Book Standards
- Single Audits in Accordance with OMB Uniform Guidance (Circular A-133)
- IRS Form 990 and 990T Tax Preparation and Related State Returns
- Preparation and Review of IRS Form 1023
- Client Advisory & Accounting Services
- Feasibility Studies
- General Business Consulting
- Hospital 501r Compliance
- Hospital Community Benefit Reporting
- Year-End Close
DZA encourages our team members to participate in firm-wide community volunteer programs and events, as well as pursue their own personal causes. For more information about our community involvement, please visit our Community Involvement page.

Team Leader:
Rikki Patch, CPA

Team Leader:
Tom Dingus, CPA