Medicare Reimbursement Advisory Services

For healthcare providers reliant on Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, accurate cost reporting is often complicated by the complexity of federal and state regulations; incorrect data filed in a cost report can have significant consequences and place the organization at financial risk.
With extensive experience in cost reporting and in-depth knowledge of Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rules, our team can help guide you and ensure compliance with the countless rules and regulations. Our team members have seen firsthand a plethora of circumstances – from the mundane to the unusual – guaranteeing a level of accuracy that only comes from experience and expertise. By examining both small details and the big picture, we are able to thoroughly understand operations to best serve you.

Our team specializes in reimbursement for critical access hospitals, hospitals, community health centers, hospices, nursing homes, dialysis, blood banks, and home health agencies.
Our reimbursement services include:
- Medicare and Medicaid Cost Report Preparation
- Medicare Cost Report Reviews
- Medicare Cost Report Reopenings
- Medicare Cost Report Appeals
- Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursement Consulting
- Medicaid Disproportionate Share (DSH) Reporting
- Clinic Analysis
- Rural Health Clinic Change in Scope
- Provider Education on Reimbursement Issues
- Medicare Wage Index Reviews
- Occupational Mix
- Medicare Cost Reporting S-10 Uncompensated Care Reviews
- Provider Enrollment

Team Leader:
Shar Sheaffer, CPA

Team Leader:
Kami Matzek, CPA